Surrealism and Photomontage

This image depicts my sister holding balloons while standing on the sidewalk; however, the balloons and sidewalk have been swapped with paintings. I made this by using the magic eraser tool in Photoshop to remove the background on the sidewalk and balloons, and I then placed layers behind the removed background to replace it with the paintings. Realistically, balloons would be smooth and three dimensional, and the sidewalk would be grey and lack texture. I made this because I like to incorporate a lot of color into my everyday life and artwork.

This is an image of Director Park with warped dimensions, a painted sky, and a large bottle of blue wine in the center. To put the painting in the sky, I removed the background of the Director Park layer where the sky was, and put the paint layer underneath. I used the paint and magic eraser tool to cut out the blue wine bottle and place it on to this later. I used the warp tool to bend the image of Director Park. This is surrealism because it is unnatural to find bent or curvy buildings and ground, as well as giant bottles of wine and a sky made of paint.

This is another image of Director Park, in which the sky and ground were replaced with images of clouds. It is impossible to be literally walking on clouds, making this dreamlike and surrealism!


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